August 28th

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Historical Events for the 28th of August

August 28: A Day of Significance

August 28 holds historical importance, marking significant events that have shaped our world.

Key Events on August 28

1963: March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom

A pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement, approximately 200,000 people marched on Washington, D.C., led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

The iconic "I Have a Dream" speech, delivered by King, became a defining moment in American history.

1191: Siege of Acre Begins

The Crusaders laid siege to the city of Acre under the leadership of Guy of Lusignan.

The siege lasted nearly two years and resulted in the capture of the city by the Crusaders.

1609: Henry Hudson Explores the Hudson River

English explorer Henry Hudson became the first European to sail up the Hudson River in search of a passage to Asia.

The river was named after Hudson, whose explorations paved the way for Dutch colonization in the area.

Other Notable Events on August 28