Consumer Confidence Index

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Consumer Confidence Index: A Comprehensive Guide

What is the Consumer Confidence Index?

The Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) is a standardized indicator that measures consumer sentiment and provides insights into future economic trends.

The CCI is a survey conducted by The Conference Board, a non-profit research organization.

Components of the CCI

Significance of the CCI

The CCI is a valuable economic indicator for several reasons:

Factors Affecting the CCI

Numerous factors can influence consumer confidence, including:

Recent Trends in the CCI

In July 2023, the CCI rose to 100.3, indicating a slight improvement in consumer sentiment.

This increase was driven by more positive expectations for the future, particularly regarding employment and income.


The Consumer Confidence Index is a widely recognized economic indicator that reflects consumer sentiment and provides valuable insights into future economic trends.

By understanding the factors that influence the CCI, businesses and policymakers can make informed decisions that support economic growth and stability.