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WNBA News, Videos, and Highlights

WNBA Recap: Quick Turnaround Raises CBA Concerns

The WNBA swiftly resumed its season after the Olympics, a short turnaround that players may seek to alter in the next collective bargaining agreement (CBA).

Players' Perspective

Concerns about player well-being may prompt a push for a longer break between the Olympics and the WNBA season. Fatigue, injuries, and mental health are key issues for players.

WNBA Olympic Break and All-Star Festivities

Before the Olympic break, the WNBA held its All-Star festivities, which included the highly anticipated matchup between the Olympic teams and Team WNBA.

Live Streams

Note: Restrictions apply.

WNBA Schedule

The WNBA's Olympic break began on September 10, 2023.