Virus X

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Disease X: What is it and how can we prepare for the next big virus?

What is Disease X?

Disease X is a placeholder name that was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2018 on their shortlist of blueprint priority diseases. The concept of Disease X allows people to proactively work in those viral families to start thinking about how they are transmitted and how to develop tests, treatments, and vaccines against them.

Why are we talking about Disease X now?

The new pandemic has been dubbed Disease X by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and experts say it could be 20 times deadlier than Coronavirus. Disease X is a hypothetical pandemic that could be caused by a novel pathogen that is highly transmissible and deadly.

Could Disease X be the next big pandemic?

It is impossible to say for sure whether Disease X will be the next big pandemic. However, the WHO has warned that it is a real possibility and that we need to be prepared. Given the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, further research is needed so that countries around the world are able to take steps now to prevent future outbreaks or at least be better prepared to limit its impact.

WHO is convening over 300 scientists to consider the evidence on over 25 viruses that could potentially cause a Disease X pandemic. The scientists will assess the risks associated with each virus and develop recommendations for how to prepare for and respond to a Disease X pandemic.

What can we do to prepare for Disease X?

There are a number of things that we can do to prepare for Disease X. These include:

By taking these steps, we can help to reduce the risk of a Disease X pandemic and mitigate its impact if it does occur.